
Elmore County Domestic Violence Council

Supporting Victims & Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, Stalking and LGBTQ.

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Serving Elmore County, Owyhee County and Surrounding Areas

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Crisis Line Available 24/7 with intake assessment at time of call to provide immediate services.


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Program and Services

24/7 Crisis Hotline

A crisis intervention and referral phone line for domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, and stalking. In the midst of a crisis the hotline can get you the resources you need to safely seek help.

(208) 587-3300

Emergency Lodging

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council has partnered with other organizations and lodgings in the surrounding communities to offer a safe haven for those wishing to seek a safe and secure place.

Evan's Harmony Safe Home

Evan's Harmony House is a safe and secure home to those fleeing domestic violence along with providing supportive services for clients, their children and pets.

Evans Harmony House

Evan's Harmony Transitional House

Evan's Harmony House 2, Transitional Housing (TH) provides temporary housing with supportive services to individuals and families seeking services from Elmore County Domestic Violence Council.

Rapid Rehousing Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, in collaboration with the Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA), has awarded the Elmore County Domestic Violence Council to provide Rapid Rehousing for clients fleeing domestic violence.

This initiative aims to eliminate homelessness for those seeking assistance.

Safe Haven for Pets

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council has partnered with local nonprofits to ensure safe animal care for victims' pets during their transition to safe permanent housing. 

Evans Harmony Homes' proudly accepts eligible dogs when victims enter.

Personalized Safety Planning

A survivor's safety is most at risk when trying to flee an abuser. An important part of our work is centered around helping clients develop a safety plan personalized to their situation.

Youth Support

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council provides educational and preventive presentations, support groups Friday's, volunteer opportunity and activities in partnership with Youth Rising and 4H.

Learn More

Legal Assistance Referrals

Idaho Legal Aid Services has a Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line. Victims of domestic violence are encouraged to utilize us to get a referral.

Short Term Crisis Counseling

We offer counseling referrals to multiple mental health facilities in both Elmore County and the Treasure Valley.

Court Advocacy

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council has trained advocates to offer support during court hearings for individuals who need someone by their side.

Advocates will not testify or share any information regarding legal matters, but they will provide clients with emotional support throughout all court dates.

Case Management

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council Provides Case Management designed to assist clients in accessing the care they require. This includes coordinating care, tracking outcomes, and linking patients to necessary resources.


Elmore County Domestic Violence offers Resources to our community upon call to our lines.

Resources are available online.


24/7 Crisis Hotline

A crisis intervention and referral phone line for domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, and stalking. In the midst of a crisis the hotline can get you the resources you need to safely seek help.

(208) 587-3300

Emergency Lodging

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council has partnered with other organizations and lodgings in the surrounding communities to offer a safe haven for those wishing to seek a safe and secure place.

Evan's Harmony Safe Home

Evan's Harmony House is a safe and secure home to those fleeing domestic violence along with providing supportive services for clients, their children and pets.

Evans Harmony House

Annual Fundraiser

Get ready for the best fundraiser ever 


Countdown finished!

All proceeds from our Harvest for Hope Benefit Auction and Dinner go directly towards funding the Victim Services offered by our council. Our Victim Services encompass emergency lodging and meals, transportation or fuel assistance, safety planning, and education on domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault.

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About us

Serving since 1989

Elmore County Domestic Violence has been serving clients since 1989. We currently have two  locations in Mountain Home and our programs are geared towards a holistic approach for every client we serve. We have a beautiful facility that can house up to 12 women and children. We strive to serve everyone with no relation to education, sexual orientation, marital status, gender, national origin, race, age, relation, or color by providing services that are not only client-centered, but also by promoting choices, safety, and client empowerment.

Our Mission

The Elmore County Domestic Violence Council’s mission is to provide support to the victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, stalking and LGBTQ+,  as well as usher the surrounding community toward eliminating these crimes. The ECDVC strives to serve everyone with no relation to education, sexual orientation, marital status, gender, national origin, race, age, relation, or color by providing services that are not only client-centered, but also by promoting choices, safety, and client empowerment.

The ECDVC is dedicated to the task of providing victim services to the surrounding community including emergency shelter, crisis intervention, support services, prevention, information and referral, and education.

Client Centered

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council is committed to providing confidential services. Our victim advocates are trained to support victims of crime. Victim advocates offer emotional support, victims' rights information, help in finding needed resources, and assistance in filling out crime victim-related forms amongst other things.

Annual Reports

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council's Annual Report: How Your Donations are Making a Difference

Each fiscal year, the Elmore County Domestic Violence Council releases an annual report that highlights the organization's initiatives, accomplishments, and successes. From the latest data to the newest developments, this report provides an in-depth look at how we're utilizing your donations to effect positive change.

View Annual Reports

Our Funders

Elmore County Domestic Violence Council | Evans Harmony House

P.O. Box 1136

Mountain Home, ID 83647

Tel 208-590-0379

Crisis Hotline 208-587-3300

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